Hello all! I hope you have a great day! If you had time to read our food content, you have an idea of our advice list about Turkey. In this topic, we will share famous 5 drinks in Turkey. These drinks we will show you today maybe you will see them first in your life or heard before once. Let’s start and see how many of them you know or recognize! To remind, drinks names are Turkish Coffee, Ayran, Tea, Boza, Salep.



I am drinking Turkish Coffee while reading this topic. 😊 Turkish coffee is one of the oldest coffee preparation and cooking methods that has come to the present day from the Ottoman Empire, which has an important impact on Turkish culture. It has a unique identity and tradition with its distinctive taste, foam, odor, and the way it is presented. It is the only type of coffee that is served with filth. If you wonder how it is cooked, I will show you steps.d2

Firstly, you will add two spoons of coffee, 2 cubes of sugar and cups of water and mix them and then, cook them until bubbling. Later, take it from the oven and put it to the cup. Turkish Coffee is ready, enjoy your meal! Warning! If you like coffee with sugar, put 2 cubes. If you don’t like too much sugar or without sugar, put 1 cube. If you prefer coffee without sugar, then don’t put any.


Coffee is so important in our culture. For example, we meet our friends to drink coffee together and to socialize. Also, there is a Turkish proverb which says, ‘coffee has forty years respect.’. It means if you drink Turkish Coffee with someone, you have to respect her/him for forty years. Because coffee means friendship, chat, secrets, sharing. So, let’s drink a cup of Turkish Coffee? 😊



Healthy, delicious, fresh! Yes, Ayran. It is our national drink. 😊 Combination of kebab and Ayran, you should definitely try. It is a simple drink to make, you can do it in your home easily. Let me teach you. You need yoghurt, water and a little salt. Firstly, you should add them into a bottle then shake it. It is ready. 😊 Warning! You can adjust the consistency according to your request. For example, if you like drinks as more fluid, then add more water.


Some restaurants are serving Ayran with copper cups. It looks more traditional. The more bubbling means the more quality. Because it means you shake it well! 😊

    Keep Calm and Drink Ayran

3. TEA


Tea is another famous drink in Turkey. We cannot show you even one Turk who did not drink tea in his/her life before. So, you can understand how we like tea. It is coming us from the Black Sea area where people are working to collect tea.

Traditional clothes of the Black Sea area and material which helps to collect tea

Collecting tea is difficult because you spend lots of times there, and many people are working as a team. After collecting it, they are sending tea to the processing. Meaning of tea in Turkey is almost everything. While you are watching TV, studying, having breakfast, chatting with your relatives/friends, in short, every area of our life we drink tea. When you came to Turkey, try Turkish tea and leave other teas. 😊 You’ll like it.




Boza is one of the oldest Turkish drinks and is made from fermented grains. In Turkey mostly durum wheat is used and in other countries corn, barley, rye, oats, wheat, buckwheat. It contains nutritious values like protein, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. It gives your stomach a full feeling, so it’s better not to drink boza during or right before your meal.

Vefa Bozacısı

Boza should be made by people who are master about it like you saw in the picture. Because everyone cannot make good Boza. Warning! Boza should be drunk in cold weathers because it is like a blanket which makes your inside warm. And roasted chickpea and cinnamon are used when serving Boza.



Salep (Sahlep) is a sister of Boza. Both have similar features. However, salep has different benefits. As you all know, orchids have fascinated mankind for more than 3000 years, not only with its aesthetic beauty but also with its medical might. The idea of making a drink out of this enchanting flower belongs to Turks, thanks to our religious belief. We came up with the idea of salep, a hot milky drink to warm you up during the cold winters.


Tubers of wild orchids are washed, boiled, dried and finally grinded into flour. This is the essence of this soft and warming, but also medical drink. The healing power of salep comes from glucomannan, which heals respiratory problems like bronchitis and cough. It empowers the heart and the mind, stops diarrhoea and warms up the body. Especially if it’s consumed with ginger and/or cinnamon, its effect is amplified.

The orchid which is used in making Salep.

End of the blog. Drink healthy beverages, stay healthy. Which of them you tried or want to try, please write on comment blank! 😊 See you…