This is by far the most challenging content for us! Why? Because we are starving! First thing comes to my mind when I think to travel is food. Because cultures vary about it so it can be hard to find to eat something you like in foreign countries. However, don’t worry at all what we will eat in Turkey, because the foods which we introduce you definitely can be loved by anyone in the world!



It is a kind of kebab in Turkey! All guests should taste it at least once in their life. Also, you can find it anywhere in Turkey and it is a food which is inexpensive. You can eat it as a portion or with bread. I will show you both pictures, so you decide!ye2

With bread.


As a portion.

After you tried it, you will say ‘I want one portion, too please.’ 🙂 Did it finish? NO! We have İskender for you. It is a kind of kebab, too. But it has a special sauce which includes tomato and butter. Believe me, after you smell it, you can change your mind and think about stay in Turkey more. It is served with yoghurt and small pieces of bread at the bottom of the meat.ye4



The perfect combination of leaf and rice! Sarma is like one of the snacks of our culture and we are eating it while we are waiting for the main food. Moreover, as a knowledge for you, we are doing it mostly in religious holidays for our guests, but of course, lots of restaurants are selling it. Sarma is an indispensable flavor for us and will be for you!


Don’t forget to use lemon with it or if you like, please try it with yogurt!



Mantı is our pasta! With handmade dough, ground beef, and special sauce, it is our way to say I love pasta! At the top, special yogurt is used, and it makes Mantı delicious. If you are curious about it and want to eat it in its home city, your way will go to the Kayseri where is famous about Mantı!




Hamsi is a fish which is coming from the Black Sea in Turkey. Small but the most delicious fish in the world! As you can see in the picture, it is serving as a portion with salad. It is immersed in corn flour which coming from the area of black sea where people produce corn flour, then fried with oil. To be clue, hamsi takes its flavor from the corn flour.


Come on guys, let’s take Omega-3 in a delicious way!



Who can disagree about that beauty? It was a rhetorical question. Answer is NO ONE. 😀 Eggplant, minced meat, tomato sauce! Karnıyarık is the hardest food to prepare in this blog because it has lots of steps like you have to fry eggplants first, then prepare the meat and put meat inside of the eggplant, after completed all of these steps bake them. See, I told you. But its worth, no matter how long the preparation.


I think we finished our first food content! If you want to know about more or to learn all the details of these foods please comment us so we can write a blog about them in detail with all secrets for you! 🙂 We hope you enjoy while you are reading, if your answer is yes, use button and make us happy with your responses. Thanks all!

Illustrated map of Turkey by Leona beth

Stay in touch… We have lots of desserts, drinks, foods for you! See you!


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